ieke Trinks, Performance Monologues, in exhibition Het Bos en de Zalen,
organized by Frans van Lent_Dordrecht the Netherlands, 2017, photo by Koos Siep
Performance Monologues – an oral encyclopedia on performance art
by ieke Trinks
Fridäy May 19
6-7pm (on time and by donation)
Fäcebook Event
Performance Monologues is an ongoing collection of audio recordings and live recitations that started in 2016. Trinks visits artists and asks them to describe one of their performances from memory while she records them. The recordings help her to recite the monologues from memory before a live audience. This is often done during an art event, but also in more intimate situations with one or more listeners. Trinks recites the monologues in the first person because they are in the first person when delivered to her.
Trinks started to collect the monologues for a number of reasons. First, she had the experiences of failing to describe her own performances to others in a satisfactory way. Second, she wanted to get to know the performance works of others by hearing about their experience of doing the work. Third, the question of documentation interests her. Fourth, the monologues are a way to explore the relationship between the mediating and mediated subject. And fifth, is the way in which a monologue actualizes a performance by means of memory that appeals to her.
Trinks is going to recite the Performance Monologues based on the recordings:
#17 Confrontation by Odun Orimolade
#34 Age (skin-color) by Anja Ibsch
#29 (T)here by Hiroko Tsuchimoto
#5 In the Absence of a Body by Diaz & Lewis
Program will take about an hour.
ieke Trinks is a visual artist based in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and Malmö, Sweden. Her performance art is presented in several countries in Europe, South America, Canada and the USA. She’s part of the performance collective TRICKSTER and organizes PAE (Performance Art Event) in the Netherlands with artist Nina Boas.